Innovation Games: the basics
Method title: Innovation Games
Short description: Innovation games that support company employees in innovating collaboratively, and co-constructing new meaning about their ideas.
Responsible Researcher: Wafa Said Mosleh, SDU
Collaborating Industrial Partner: Lufthansa Systems
Objective of the method development in the project: To explore how companies can involve games as a way of empowering their employees in making decisions about and collaboratively develop new innovation that target strategic aims and challenges of the organisation.

1st Workshop with students
A test workshop with students at SDU was held in October 2016 to explore how the innovation games could be further developed for organisational contexts. Later, prototypes were created for a pilot workshop at Lufthansa Systems (LSY) in Frankfurt. The workshop included managers and employees within different areas of expertise, and it revolved around both playing the game, exploring how it could nurture new innovation to emerge, as well as to reflect on further improvements to it. Till now the workshop materials have been analysed, and the upcoming steps are to re-design the game with the intention of incorporating flexibility for it to be applied in other organisational contexts, before it can be tested again at LSY in March 2017.

Upcoming Workshop(s)
March 27, 2017
The first pilot workshop with participation of corporate learners will take place on 28th of March at the premises of Lufthansa Systems. More information to follow